Installation View, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst
Exhibition, vidéothèque, lecture series, and film program
Collaborative project by individuals and groups including artists, urban and political theorists, film curators, activists, among others
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst NGBK, Berlin, August 28 – November 10, 1998
Markthalle Berlin-Carré, Berlin-Alexander Platz, September 12 – November 10, 1998
Baustop.randstadt,- deals with the social and spatial restructuring of Berlin in the 1990s, focussing on issues such as the new nationalism of ‘the Berlin Republic‘, gentrification, privatization and the ‘culture war‘ between East and West. Using both documentary and fiction the exhibition develops a critique of the prevalent forms of production and use, representation and symbolism of urban space using the example of Berlin.
Baustop randtstadt.- nicht aggressives nicht akkumulatives städtisches Handeln #1, edited by Baustop randstadt.- work group (Berlin: NGBK and b_books Verlag, 1998).
Diedrich Diederichsen. “Best of 1998: Baustop.randstadt.” Artforum, December 1998.