The Uninvited takes place in various locations in the ghostly world of Berlin’s “New Center,” a setting that needs to be kept under constant surveillance. The camera follows a family on an ordinary day as they move through different public and private spaces that function as sites of communication and information exchange. Two ghosts who can be seen as personifications of social unease appear against this setting. Society is closing in and the ghosts show themselves directly in its center.
Distributed by Arsenal Institute for Film and Video Art, Berlin Here
Selected Screenings
2012 Haunting City, screening introduced by Stephanie Schulte Strathaus, as part of Arsenal in India, Nehru Center, Mumbai; Goethe-Institut, Kolkata 2009 Introducing Berlin, film program by Mario Pfeifer, Goethe Institut and Alliance Francaise Bangkok Sun Screens, Kino Arsenal, Berlin 2008 Blickpunkt Potsdamer Platz, Kino Arsenal, Berlin 2007 Spheres of Interest Film Screenings, San Francisco Art Institute Kinomuseum: Hall of Mirrors, International Shortfilm Festival Oberhausen Aviva Berlin, Kurzfilme von Künstlerinnen, Kino Arsenal, Berlin 2006 Lost Pieces Found Moments, video program as part of Transcities Berlin >> Bucuresti, Sala Dalles, Bucharest Experimentelle Film- und Videokunst aus Berlin, Kino Arsenal, Berlin 2005 Perfect City Telepathy, Egyptian Theater, Los Angeles
Judith Hopf/Katrin Pesch. “The Uninvited.” In 1,2,3… Avant-gardes Film / Art between Experiment and Archive, edited by Lukasz Ronduda/Florian Zeyfang (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2008): 200-205.
Judith Hopf/Katrin Pesch. “The Uninvited.” In WORK THE ROOM – A Handbook of PerformanceStrategies, edited by Ulrike Müller (Berlin: b_books Verlag, 2007): 260-285.
Jon Mujika. “El Arte Que Revela Una Vida Latente al Otro Lado del Cristal de la Pantalla.” DEIA, 12.21.2007 Olaia F. Jacob. “Reliquias de Filmoteca Convertidas en Vanguardia.” El Mundo, 12.21.2007. Eric Bluhm. “Perfect City Telepathy.” artUS, April 2006 Krause/Tollmann. “Judith Hopf und Katrin Pesch.” Neue Review, 07.10.2005.